Project Firefly

Detecting early-stage wildfires in Scandinavia

Wildfires at their peak are extremely difficult to control as it spreads rapidly at speeds of up to 16 km/h. The project aims to address this critical issue and explore ways of early detection and prevention of wildfires in Scandinavian forests.
Business & Design lead
9 Months
Product manager, Researcher, Mechanical & software engineers, UX & UI designers
Stakeholder interviews, UX design, Ui design, information architecture, user flows

09 months of work in 09:00 minsProject Firefly

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Designed for Space exploration
Improving the process of elimination by risk assessment strategy
Sense making
Grouping related indicators to make sense of the situation
Cuts discussion time by providing context and information
A wholistic view of the rover's health aligns with the team and improves decision making

Award-winning solution that outpaced all competitors

The system involves a multi-rotor drone with high payload capacity, housing a modular payload equipped with a photovoltaic sensor for early fire detection. The ground control station empowers firefighters to manage the drone, identify wildfires, and formulate effective action plans to prevent fire spread.
Early Detection
Early detection of Rank 2 wildfires, reducing the time from ignition to detection by 50%
Rapid Response
Enabling firefighters to initiate response actions 75% faster.
Minimized Damage
Reduces the average burned area by 60%, mitigating the environmental and economic impact.
Enhanced Safety
Provides situational awareness, reducing firefighter exposure to hazardous conditions by remote monitoring

Goal: Collaborate with CERN scientists to develop an early detection system

Scientists at CERN invented a UV sensor that can detect a spark from a match stick from 800 meters. The design brief was to identify use cases and design a system for firefighters to launch the product into the market.

Market study revealed a huge gap in wildfire detection space

During our market study and competitor analysis, we found a huge gap in the market. The current systems available were focused on fire suppression, analysis and late detection but nothing for fire prevention and early detection.
Image showcasing the gap in the market for early detection and prevention of wildfire

How might we empower firefighters with advanced detection capabilities to identify wildfires in their early stages ?

Igniting innovation

This phase of the project delved into the creative process of conceptualising groundbreaking solutions for wildfire prevention.
Brainstorming ideas, creating prototypes and testing concepts

Redefine goal: Reduce troubleshooting time Increase response time of operators

Design opportunities to increase response time of operators

1. Help prioritise failure modes

2. Auto correlate indicators with other active indicators

3. Knowledge sharing & wholistic view to increase consensus and preparedness

4. Context over recall for communication between operators

Paper prototypes
Concept testing

From vision to reality: Accelerating progress through rapid prototyping

We accelerated progress by embracing rapid prototyping techniques. We transformed our concept design into tangible prototypes, iteratively refining and testing our ideas.
Rapid prototype of modular payload design that will house the UV sensor

Redefine goal: Reduce troubleshooting time Increase response time of operators

Design opportunities to increase response time of operators

1. Help prioritise failure modes

2. Auto correlate indicators with other active indicators

3. Knowledge sharing & wholistic view to increase consensus and preparedness

4. Context over recall for communication between operators

3D printing
Iterations & testing
Rapid prototyping

Final design: Empowering adaptability with a cutting-edge modular payload

The solution's modular payload design revolutionizes flexibility and adaptability. With its interchangeable modules, the system can be customized for various scenarios, accommodating different sensor technologies and functionalities.
Modular design ensures scalability, future-proofing the solution, and enabling seamless upgrades as new advancements emerge

Redefine goal: Reduce troubleshooting time Increase response time of operators

Design opportunities to increase response time of operators

1. Help prioritise failure modes

2. Auto correlate indicators with other active indicators

3. Knowledge sharing & wholistic view to increase consensus and preparedness

4. Context over recall for communication between operators

3D modeling
System design

Harnessing the power of a highly sensitive UV sensor

Detecting even the subtlest traces of fire-causing emissions, enables swift response to earl-stage wildfires, preventing their escalation.
Cutting-edge UV technology enhances the system's efficacy and reinforces its role in mitigating potential fire risks

Redefine goal: Reduce troubleshooting time Increase response time of operators

Design opportunities to increase response time of operators

1. Help prioritise failure modes

2. Auto correlate indicators with other active indicators

3. Knowledge sharing & wholistic view to increase consensus and preparedness

4. Context over recall for communication between operators

High payload capacity multi-rotor drone

The drone's remarkable capacity allows for extended flight time, increased surveillance range, and the integration of advanced detection technologies, empowering firefighters with unparalleled aerial support.
Drone's ability to carry heavy equipment and sensors expands the system's operational capabilities.

Redefine goal: Reduce troubleshooting time Increase response time of operators

Design opportunities to increase response time of operators

1. Help prioritise failure modes

2. Auto correlate indicators with other active indicators

3. Knowledge sharing & wholistic view to increase consensus and preparedness

4. Context over recall for communication between operators

3D printing
System design

Commanding Control through Robust Ground Control Station

Real-time data visualization, streamlined mission planning, and seamless drone communication enable firefighters to make informed decisions swiftly, enhancing their effectiveness in resolving wildfires.
Image showcases ground software interface design and features that help firefighters monitor wildfires

Redefine goal: Reduce troubleshooting time Increase response time of operators

Design opportunities to increase response time of operators

1. Help prioritise failure modes

2. Auto correlate indicators with other active indicators

3. Knowledge sharing & wholistic view to increase consensus and preparedness

4. Context over recall for communication between operators

Information architecture
UX design
UI design
Usability testing

"Innovation through diverse perspectives"

I experienced the immense power of collaboration across diverse backgrounds and the transformative potential of innovation in addressing complex challenges.

Working on a complex project like this required problem-solving skills and adaptability. I learned to navigate challenges and find creative solutions to unforeseen obstacles.

I learned the significance of embracing an iterative approach, refining and improving the user experience based on user feedback and iterative testing.


PDP Winner at Aalto Design Factory, Finland
Top 10 projects of 2019-2020 by ATTRACT EU